Thursday, April 5, 2012


         For me one of the most powerful symbols that we have is home. Home is where the heart is; home is who we are not just where we're from.  It more than a house or a town or a school its what defines us as people.Their are so many places to describe home, so many places we call home. All I know is that home is where i want to be this weekend
         I love state college and in a sense it has come to be a sort of home for me. But the Hudson Valley will always hold my heart. My girlfriend and I always get in arguments because she hates our home. But the funny thing is that as much as she says she hates it she is the one that always begs to go home after a break. I could care less.    I can make a home wherever I end up. But it is tough not to be back in Troy during holidays. It's what I have always known. Get up early on Easter morning and finding our Easter baskets. Then going to church and then a big brunch with my family. That was always how it was for me. But things have been changing lately. Since I've been with my girlfriend my definition of home has really changed. When I go back to Troy for breaks I spend more time at her place than my own house. I love my family but its almost as if I've made a new home at her house. Which led me to think about what a home really is. In itself the Home has it's own rhetoric.
         A home is the place where we find ourselves the most comfortable. For me its my girlfriend's couch with her under my arms and music playing from the speakers of her computer. For others its their dorm room with their roommate watching TV or playing video games. Others home can be the hotel rooms they stay in as they travel the world or the diner they always go to to eat and hang out with friends. For some its the football field they spent 40 years of their life teaching and loving those who came through their life. Home is different for every person. It can't really be defined in words just a feeling in one's heart. Therefore I  guess the rhetoric of the home isn't what we say or the images we see. No that's just the generic stereotypical Hollywood excuse for home. No home is where we feel warm and loved. Anything else is just wrong.

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